Welcome To Zellwood Elementary School!

Dear Zellwood Families,
My name is Jennifer Lawrence and I am thrilled to join the Zellwood Elementary School family this year! I have worked in OCPS for 25 years and have taught multiple grade levels and held administrative positions at the elementary level in several schools. I am excited to learn the history and traditions of the Zellwood community as I lead our teachers and staff in the monumental job of ensuring a bright future for our students.
My top priority is safety for students and staff. We have procedures in place that sometimes may seem irritating but are intended to ensure that our children are safe. Please be sure to learn and adhere to procedures for drop off and pick up especially. We must have proof that any adult picking up a child is authorized to do so. Please always bring your identification with you when you come to school.
I believe that children need to be seen, heard, known, valued, loved, and successful. I was thrilled to learn that we have Houses (Nests) here at Zellwood as I believe that when students belong to a House, it builds their sense of worth. This feeling of belonging increases a student's efforts to learn and in turn, they learn more. I look forward to expanding the House system this year and including families in House-related activities.
Finally, I encourage all families to be active participants in their child's learning. We want to be partners with you in your child's education. We have many ways for you to get involved including the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and School Advisory Council (SAC). During the year we will also offer many events at the school in the evenings for families to participate in together.
I am looking forward to a great year with more incredible academic growth for our students.
Jennifer Lawrence
Zellwood Elementary School